Thought I'd finally share some trades/charts rather than writing a bunch of boring text. Firstly I don't yet have a live data feed, I need to deposit $500.00 into my account for them to turn my platform back on (ninjatrader), I have not done this yet. It's not 100% necessary coz I can just use older data and "market replay" for my simulation trades. So going forward I will try to post my daily/weekly results and other stuff, obviously I could be "cheating" with market replay, but what's the point of that? I'm only saying this coz there are a lot of people on the internet who don't think it's even possible to "beat" futures trading. I take a lot of trades, so I won't be posting all the screen shots, but each week I will post my stats like total # of trades taken, wins, losses, and so on, hope you enjoy!

This win was followed by a string of losses =(. For the current week I am market replaying through I've taken like 17 trades for a net result of -17 ticks or -$212.50 trading the 6E trading only 1 contract, still it's a small loss in the grand scheme of things and I am a bit rusty. Moving forward I will keep replaying old data until I reach the current market, I'm starting in August, so I have a couple of months of data to get through. I mostly trade off of range charts though, so that's mostly what I'll post. Hopefully after a few weeks of replay data the rust will be gone and I'll be profiting nicely. We'll see.
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