Session stats
4 hours of data traded
29 trades
5 wins
24 losses
+$300.00 gross
-$962.50 gross
-$662.50 net
one of my worst performances ever. I can only remember 1 other time when I lost -$500.00+ in a single session, of course I'm more aggressive now than I used to be. Also even though this is all simulation, the losses still hurt me emotionally, coz if I can't win here, there's no way I'll be able to win with real money, however I don't let my emotions affect my decisions, I can be upset yet still remain in control and let my stops/targets get hit without moving them in the hopes of getting more profit, or getting back to even on a losing position, that kind of crap only adds to losses in the long run. I only got 4 hours into this trading day, and I'll be finishing it tonight, once I hit the -$600.00 mark I had to leave the computer. Hopefully my next session can recover some of these losses.
Overall Simulation account stats
144 trades taken
P&L = -14.00pts / -$700.00
Commissions = -$720.00 (@ $5.00 per commission)
Total P&L = -$1,420.00
Original Account Balance: $5,000.00
Current Balance: $3,580.00
144 trades taken and just a slow grind down on the account balance means my edge is pretty much non-existent, at least I have statistical evidence that shows I am not ready for live trading. Until I can turn this around and push the account into positive territory and then some, I cannot trade live. Maybe by trade 200 I will have recovered, or maybe it will be trade 500, we'll see.
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